Silvio R. Waisbord

Silvio Waisbord

Silvio R. Waisbord

Professor of Media and Public Affairs


Office Phone: (202) 994-1464
805 21st Street, NW, MPA 516 Washington DC 20052

Silvio Waisbord is Professor at the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University, United States. He is the author and editor of nineteen books and articles on journalism, politics, media, and communication for social change. His latest book is Public Scholarship in Communication Studies, co-edited with TJ Billard. He is the Editor of the International Journal of Communication. He is the President-elect of the International Communication Association. He holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California, San Diego and a licenciatura in sociology from the University of Buenos Aires.

View Dr. Waisbord's CV (.pdf)

Global media; press and politics; health communication, development, and social change

SMPA 2101 Journalism: Theory and Practice

SMPA 3469 International Communication

The Communication Manifesto (2019). Polity

Communication: A Post-Discipline. (2019). Polity.

Media Movements: Civil Society and Media Reform in Latin America. Silvio R. Waisbord and M.S. Segura. (2016). Zed.

Reinventing Professionalism: Journalism and News in Global Perspective. (2013). Polity.

Watchdog Journalism in South America: News, Accountability and Democracy. (2000). Columbia University Press.

El Imperio de la Utopía: Mitos y Realidades de la Sociedad Estadounidense (2020). Península/Planeta.

Vox Populista: Medios, Periodismo, Democracia. (2013). Buenos Aires: Gedisa.

Duelo (2009). Biblos.

El Gran Desfile: Campañas Electorales y Medios de Comunicación en la Argentina (1995). Sudamericana.


Edited Books



Public Scholarship in Communication Studies. TJ Billard (ed.). (2024). University of Illinois.

Routledge Companion to Media, Misinformation and Populism. H. Number (ed.). (2021). Routledge.

Routledge Companion to Media and Scandals. H. Number (ed.). (2019). Routledge.

Routledge Companion to Media and Human Rights. H. Tumber (ed.). (2017). Routledge.

News of Baltimore: Race, Rage, and the City. L. Steiner (ed.). (2017). Routledge.

Media Sociology: A Reappraisal. Silvio R. Waisbord (ed.). (2014). Polity. 

Handbook of Global Health Communication. R. Obregón (ed.). (2012). Wiley.

Local Politics, Global Media: Latin American Broadcasting and Policy.  E. Fox (ed.). (2002). University of Texas Press. 

Media and Globalization: Why the State Matters. N. Morris (ed.). (2001). Rowman & Littlefield.



Comunicación y Salud Pública: Enfoques para Estudio y Práctica. M. Petracci (ed.). (2011). La Crujia.

Ph.D., Sociology, University of California, San Diego, 1993
M.A., Sociology, University of California, San Diego, 1990
Licenciatura, Sociology, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1985