High Stakes, Higher Turnout? What Will Bring Voters to the Polls in ‘24 and How Campaigns Are Working to Get Them There

Tue, 24 September, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Campaigns & Elections September 2024

SMPA is partnering with Campaigns & Elections on a Fall 2024 discussion series. The September conversation will be: "High Stakes, Higher Turnout? What Will Bring Voters to the Polls in ‘24 and How Campaigns Are Working to Get Them There."

This event will be moderated by SMPA Director Peter Loge.

Panelists will include:

  • Tad Rupp, Targeted Victory

  • Mariel Saez, SKDK

  • Camille Murray, SMPA Political Communication Major

When: September 24, 6pm
Where: Media and Public Affairs Studio

Media and Public Affairs Building 805 21st Street, NW Washington DC 20052
Room: Fifth Floor Studio

Open to everyone.

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