SMPA Headlines

GW Alumnus Joins SMPA National Council

The School of Media and Public Affairs is excited to announce its newest National Council member, Aaron Kwittken.
May 28, 2020

GW Alumnus Joins SMPA National Council

Healthy You Podcast

In partnership with the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, we bring you the COVID-19 series, Healthy You: Surviving a Pandemic.
May 21, 2020

Healthy You:  Surviving a Pandemic is a podcast jointly produced by the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health and the George...

Internships @ Welcoming America

Welcoming America leads a movement of inclusive communities becoming more prosperous by making everyone feels like they belong. They are currently looking for a virtual communications intern.
May 11, 2020

SMPA Announces New Director

SMPA is thrilled to announce that Professor Silvio Waisbord has been named the new SMPA director, effective July 1, 2020.
April 30, 2020

SMPA Announces New Director

SMPA Awards Over $135,000 in Awards, Scholarships & Prizes

An Adobe Spark page and a special video from some of our faculty & donors was created to announce the winners.
April 28, 2020

SMPA Awards Over $135,000 in Awards, Scholarships & Prizes

SMPA National Council Member Goes Netflix

April 18, 2020

SMPA Director Frank Sesno sits down with National Council member, journalist, and author A'Lelia Bundles to discuss the new Netflix series and re-released.